How to talk positively about your skin condition
July 27, 2022

How to talk positively about your skin condition

Welcome beautiful ones!

Are you glowing in all this lovely weather?

You may have noticed that I have been talking a lot about positivity lately, and that is because I believe that how you think about your skin condition (and anything else for that matter) can change how you feel, and eventually how your skin looks. Framing things in a more positive way can have physical and mental effects, so it is an important thing to learn.

Talking about your skin

Many people tell me they have a positive mindset until I ask them about their skin. They often look to the floor, pull their sleeves down over their arms and start to use very negative language. This shows that you need to bring the way you talk about your skin in line with the way you think about it in order to feel the full benefit.

The first bit of advice I would give is to be honest. There is no point in saying that things are fine when they are not - talking positively about your skin does not mean lying about it. If you are struggling then there is nothing wrong in asking for help, it can be the first and biggest step in improving things.

Think about the words that you use to describe your skin condition. I know I have often had lighter spots of skin where my eczema has been, and I used to feel very self-conscious about them. Now, I call them my “leopard patches” because they are beautiful, they make me unique, and they show the journey that I have been on.

You should also look at how you describe your skin condition. It is likely to have a medical name, but many people also talk about it as a “problem” or even an “illness”. Take a look at other ways to describe what you have, such as a “uniqueness”, a “pattern” or talk about your “skin needs”.

It can sometimes be tempting to zoom in on a small aspect of ourselves and focus heavily on that, so when talking about your skin, have a wider view of it. Don’t talk just about the new patch of psoriasis that you have noticed, or the eczema flare up on your arm, look at your skin as a whole. Talk about the beautiful tan that you have, the pretty freckles or the glowing complexion.

How others talk about your skin condition

Learning how to frame your skin in a more positive way is one thing, but it is important to teach the other people in your life too. If your parents, partner or children can understand how to address it in a more positive way, it can have a big impact on you, as well as other people that they may meet in similar circumstances.

If they can pick up on the positive language that you use, they can help to reinforce how you feel. You should also make them aware of anything they might say or do that can act as trigger for you mentally or physically. For example, scratching at a mosquito bite can remind someone of the sensitivity itch that they have spent all day trying to ignore. Teaching your loved ones a few subtleties can help them to understand ways in which they can help you.

Always remember that you are beautiful. I have walked in your shoes, and you might find reading my book, The Beauty of Eczema, helpful in starting and navigating your own journey.

If you want to join a supportive private community to talk about your skin then we’d love to see you in our Sensitive Skin Angel Facebook group.

Lots of love and positive vibes, Camille xx